To be considered for a grant, the below documents are required. If you have a question on the requirements or the appropriate date to apply, please send a message to [email protected].
- Click on this link to obtain the cover page to your application. Complete the cover page in its entirety. The completed document will be the first page of your application.
- In 3 pages or less (letterhead preferred):
- Include the specific amount requested and describe the specific use proposed for the requested funds, including a description of the project or charitable use; the degree to which the project is beneficial to San Diego County; the number of individuals in San Diego County directly aided or affected by the project; and any other information which you may deem relevant.
- Describe the method by which the results of the project to be supported can be measured, and agree to provide The Parker Foundation, within six months of the grant payment, a report on the measured outcome(s) and results of the supported program.
- Describe other charitable organizations you partner with, outline other charitable organizations that provide similar services, if applicable (if so, how do you distinguish yourself from the other organizations), and describe source of clients.
- The grant request needs to be signed by the Executive Director.
- A current detailed organizational budget.
- A comprehensive project budget, detailing the specific items and associated costs for which you are requesting funding from The Parker Foundation. This budget must clearly delineate all sources of funding, including committed, potential, and conditional contributions. If no additional funding has been secured for the project, please explicitly state this within the project budget.
- A copy of your most recent annual financial report (latest Audited Financial Statement preferred or the most recent Tax Return Form 990 if audit isn’t applicable). If your organization currently files a 990-N, please include a copy of the most recent postcard filed.
- Balance Sheet (Assets/Liabilities) as of the most recent quarter.
- Income Statement (also known as a Profit/Loss Statement or Revenue/Expenses) dates shown need to be from the end of the Annual Financial Report referenced in item (5) above, to the end of the latest quarter.
- Provide a list of the Board of Directors.
- Include verification that the charitable organization requesting the grant is at present a charitable organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) by providing a copy of the determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service.
- Include verification of exemption from state franchise or income tax under the section of the Revenue and Taxation Code 23701(d) by providing a copy of the 23701(d) letter from the Franchise Tax Board (you can obtain an FTB Entity Status letter by clicking here).
Board decisions are communicated in writing, usually within 60 days of receipt of the request. The Board of Directors of The Parker Foundation meet frequently throughout the year. Deadlines for grant proposals are posted on the website under Proposal Deadlines.
If you have previously received a grant from The Parker Foundation, the Board requires that at least two (2) years transpire from the date on the grant award letter before submission of a subsequent proposal. If your proposal has been denied, the Board requires that at least one (1) year transpires from the date on the grant denial letter before a subsequent proposal is submitted.
If you are uncertain about the appropriate date to apply, please contact the Foundation ([email protected]) for guidance.
The Parker Foundation does not accept personal delivery of grant proposals.