The Parker Foundation is committed to partnerships with a wide variety of social, arts, community, and educational organizations in San Diego County. We succeed by virtue of the American dream and as such, we are able to share our good fortune with others in our community. The Parker Foundation provides its services to the community with minimal staff and a board consisting of individuals who contribute many hours of volunteer service.
The word “Philanthropy” is built upon the Greek words for “love” and “humanity.” Philanthropy and voluntarism are traditions that build social and cultural institutions (schools, hospitals, churches, art groups). Without giving, our communities, and we, would be diminished.
We celebrate the tradition of philanthropy and voluntarism that has helped create our sparkling community. And we celebrate one family, the Parkers, whose contribution continues to benefit all San Diegans.
If you are considering applying for a grant, the information under Grant Seekers will provide you with the information you will need. If you have been successful in obtaining a grant, the information under Grant Recipients will aid you in providing us with relevant reporting information.
It may be useful to know that the Board considered 253 requests during the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, approving 63 with 8 grant requests pending at year end.

For decades, San Diego Blood Bank has shared the Parker Foundation’s goal of bettering the lives of our community. The Gerald T. & Inez Grant Parker Foundation has supported San Diego Blood Bank for almost 30 years and has provided over $260,800 in grants for lifesaving resources that have been critical to thousands of individuals and families throughout San Diego County. As a specific example, through the Parker Foundation’s recent funding support of a new bloodmobile, San Diego Blood Bank will save approximately 315,000 lives over the next 15 years. We truly value our partnership and are immensely grateful for the Parker Foundation’s vision and commitment to the betterment of our community.
David Wellis, PhD – Chief Executive Officer, San Diego Blood Bank